
2. Click “Become a Seccret Agent.”


3. Click “Your Mission.”


4. Click “The Rewards.”


5. Press “Continue.”


6. Click “Yes” on the Page that asks you “Are you Sure you would like to become a Secret Agent.”


Once you have done those steps you will receive a Quiz to test if you are worthy of Becoming a Secret Agent. The Quiz consists of Questions. Need help with the Quiz? Here are all of the Questions and Answers to the Quiz:Now that you have answered all of the questions Correctly your Application to become a Secret Agent has been sent to the Club Penguin Team:

Q. Pick one Quality that you think a Secret Agent should have:
A. Honest.

Q. Pick the Correct Reason to Report a Penguin to a Moderator:
A. Being Mean or Rude.

Q. What would you do if you saw a Penguin breaking the rules?
A. Report them.

Q. What type of Personal Information should be Reported?
A. Saying their Address.

Q. Pick One reason why you want to become a Secret Agent:
A. I want to keep Club Penguin safe.

Q. Pick another reason why you want to be a Secret Agent:
A. I want to help other Penguins.



Note: If you answered all of the Questions as I told you to, check your inventory right away and click other and click awards. Click the spy phone and go to HQ. Then the phone will be on top of the map!!

With the Spy Phone you are able to Visit the Club Penguin Headquarters or HQ. The HQ has many things to do. It is a great place to hang out with friends but the coolest part about the HQ is that you can play Club Penguin Missions. The Missions are really fun and are a challenge to complete. Thanks for becoming part of the team.